В переводе с транслита.прислала мне ака.
A heart full of love
A heart full of song
I'm doing everything so wrong
Oh God for shame!
I do not evdn know your name
Dear mademoiselle, won't you say?
Will you tell?
A heart full of blah-blah-blah
My name is Enjolras Я гей
And mine's Grantaire!
Grantaire. I don't know what to say...

A heart full of love
A heart full of song
I'm doing everything so wrong
Oh God for shame!
I do not evdn know your name
Dear mademoiselle, won't you say?
Will you tell?
A heart full of blah-blah-blah
My name is Enjolras Я гей
And mine's Grantaire!
Grantaire. I don't know what to say...

Х))) милота!